What is mobile testing in QA?

What is Mobile testing?

It is a systematic testing process wherein applications for mobile devices are tested for functionality, performance, usability etc. It can be performed both manually and through automated mode. It also ensures that the mobile application being delivered to users meets all the user expectations and business requirements.


The tactical importance of mobile testing:

Internet usage for mobile devices is steadily growing over the last few years. The number of mobile users is increasing; hence, it becomes obvious to provide the best quality mobile applications that can be of worth to users.

If the user’s experience on mobile applications is not being properly tested, then there are chances that the application’s worth cannot be analyzed properly when the number of users is growing. This will, in turn, impact the brand value of the mobile application as users who are not content might post a negative review or feedback about the product on popular online forums and websites.      

The mobile app testing platform ensures that the application is robust and provides some of the best features with good performance and functionality.


Following are the three categories of mobile applications that need to be tested:

1. Native apps: These are designed specifically for a particular mobile platform (Android or iOS) and can be easily downloaded and installed on the app store. These native apps are built on Java/Kotlin for Android and Swift/Objective-C for iOS.


2. Responsive web apps: It is designed in such a way that they can be easily accessed on a mobile browser. Web applications can be either a Progressive Web App (PWA) or a responsive version of a website through which additional mobile-friendly features can be added. 


3. Hybrid apps: As the name implies, it combines native and web apps. It can be easily downloaded and installed via an app store and can have some native functionality in it.

Security testing, performance testing, Usability testing, memory leak testing, speed testing, localization testing, interruption testing and functional testing are some of the important types of mobile testing.


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